Scripted apologies don’t ring true, no matter how many lawyers and PR people write them

Tiger Woods. Lance Armstrong. Ryan Braun. We know what they have in common: scripted apologies to the public. Ryan Braun issued his last week and Jason Gay of the Wall Street Journal brilliantly dissected it. “Almost all of these “apologies” are terrible, seemingly lawyered to the limit, muddied with vague language and half-truths,” Gay wrote. […]


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About Us

Ottolenghi Media in Palm Beach Gardens creates and executes customized media for businesses, life sciences firms and professionals in Palm Beach County and the Research Triange Park. The firm uses online and traditional marketing, public relations, and advertising campaigns to increase revenue and reduce costs.

The firm specializes in social commerce, which takes the most popular online media to a new level that generates revenue and builds client loyalty. The company also produces content for the Web, blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to attract customers.

Every visual and written element is matched to client needs for the highest return on investment. Each medium is regularly evaluated and its use adjusted based on goals and performance.

We also produce an educational blog, PR-Prof, which explains issues in public relations to businesses and professionals.