Email and e-newsletters
Direct Mail = Trash. More than 90% of credit card and other solicitations that arrive in your physical mailbox get tossed. You’re fortunate if more than 1% respond to your offer.
Online, it’s a different world. Email is a friendlier, cheaper and greener method of getting attention for your products and services. Rather than bombard people and companies who may not know you with envelopes and postcards, ask them to sign up for your updates and electronic newsletters.
They’ll say “yes” if you have information they want, such as trend analysis, market insights and new ideas that can help them make money. Add a meaningful incentive to sign up and they’re more likely to agree to share their email address.
Online services such as Constant Contact and Vertical Response have made it easy and inexpensive to produce professional-looking electronic messages and maintain mailing lists. The services also take the hassle out of adding and deleting subscribers to your eNewsletters and emails.
We provide turnkey services for eNewsletters and email messages, or what some people call email blasts. We integrate those with advertising for maximum impact. Among our services:
- Collect news and information
- Produce photos and other artwork
- Write and edit messages and articles.
- Design email blasts and eNewsletters
- Manage the mailing list
- Report results from each mailing